Florence, a stove artisan, clapping with joy.
Florence, a stove artisan, clapping with joy.
Photo of a female stove artisan smiling.
Women sitting on chair coughing in smokey room with the word "before" over the image.
Women smiling while cooking over new stovetop with the word "after" over the image.
Mukuru Team in front of their stove factory in Kenya
Florence, a stove artisan, clapping with joy.
Photo of a female stove artisan smiling.
Women sitting on chair coughing in smokey room with the word "before" over the image.
Women smiling while cooking over new stovetop with the word "after" over the image.
Mukuru Team in front of their stove factory in Kenya

Hire Stove Artisans


Protect Women + Kids' Health
Save Trees
Reduce Carbon

One of the leading causes of death for women and children is inhaling toxic smoke from cooking over open fires.

You can be the spark (literally!) to providing women with access to clean cookstoves. Every $25 provides 5 clean cookstoves for families in Kenya.  

Help us create 100 jobs | 9 jobs left!! 🚀

All the good things you do

Creating Good Jobs

These jobs create more jobs

Once recruited, hired and trained, Stove Artisans can produce 30-50 clean cookstoves per week. Stoves are then sold by female Sales Agents.

Join us

How your generosity can make an impact

Your donations will be doubled if you give now. Can you join us?

Give 5 stoves
Provide 5 stoves to 5 families in Kenya and you'll:
Generate $525 in fuel savings
Protect 30 trees
Prevent 5 tons of carbon from entering the atmosphere
Give $25
Give 20 stoves
Provide 20 stoves to families in Kenya.
Generate $2,100 in fuel savings
Protect 120 trees
Prevent 20 tons of carbon from entering the atmosphere
Give $100
Give 50 stoves
Provide 50 stoves to 50 families in Kenya and you'll:
Generate $5,250 in fuel savings
Protect 300 trees
Prevent 50 tons of carbon from entering the atmosphere
Give $250
Create a job
Or join at $100 per month
Generate $157,500 in fuel savings
Protect 9,000 trees
Prevent 1,500 tons of carbon from entering the atmosphere
Give $1,200
Create 3 jobs
Create 3 jobs and you'll:
Generate $630,000 in fuel savings
Protect 36,000 trees
Prevent 6,000 tons of carbon from entering the atmosphere
Give $3,600
Give $1M in impact
Generate $1.1 Million in fuel savings
Protect 63,000 trees
Prevent 10,500 tons of carbon from entering the atmosphere
Give $8,400

Let's #FillHerFactory.

For 2.5 years, you've helped Charlot build a new stove production factory in Homa Bay, Kenya.

Now, it's complete. And here's the fun part – with your help, we need to fill her factory with 500 new jobs in the next six months!

What's needed: 500 good jobs

As the “job creating” partner, The Adventure Project is taking on the awesome challenge of recruiting, training, and kickstarting the stove production work for 300 Stove Artisans and 200 Briquette Workers in Homa Bay, Kenya. 1,000 new, female Sales Agents will also be hired to sell the stoves in local markets.

How your gifts help: 500,000 families

This new factory can produce 500,000 stoves per year; impacting families across Western Kenya.

Incredible impact: $52 million saved

After a family purchases stove for $5, they save an average of $110 per year on fuel. This is money they otherwise would have spent on charcoal or firewood to cook with. For families living in extreme poverty, this is transformative. Many families report using their savings for school fees and better food.

Woman smiling with hand on hip.
Charlot Magayi, Founder of Mukuru Clean Stoves

As a young mom, Charlot's daughter tripped and fell into her fire. Since, then, she's been on a mission to make stoves safer for millions of moms.

Photo of the completed stove factory in Homa Bay, Kenya
The New Factory + Innovation Campus

Located in Homa Bay, Kenya, the new factory has the capacity to produce 500,000 clean cookstoves annually.

Headshot of Mary, a Stove Artisan in Kenya
Your generosity will create 500 good jobs

Also, 1,000 women will be hired to sell stoves in local markets.

Can you be the spark?

Here are two more ways you can help people and the planet breathe easier.

A stove sales agent in Kenya in her shop.