Welcome to Our Adventure.

Let's work together to outwork extreme poverty.

A headshot of a stove mason in Kenya.
Christine checking child for malnutrition

We create jobs to empower communities to work their own way out of extreme poverty, for good.


Ending extreme poverty in our lifetime is possible. We envision a world where everyone has the chance to work, thrive, and build a better future for their children.

Co-Founders Jody Landers and Becky Straw

Hi, Friend,

We're so glad you're here.

We started TAP to confront a heartbreaking truth.

5 million children die each year before they can celebrate their fifth birthday. The majority of their deaths are preventable. And saving their lives isn't expensive.

(Click to continue reading)

You can save most children's lives for less than a cup of coffee.

But how?

It starts with good jobs.

Because when people have the skills to care for neighbors, life gets better, every day.

We create jobs to tackle the world's most urgent issues: clean water, healthcare, hunger, and climate.

Jody and I wanted to start an organization we would be proud to donate to. And we knew there were friends out there just like us. People who want to give more than handouts. They want to give a leg-up.

So for the last 13 years, our community has focused on what really matters. Empowering local organizations to lead. Teaching people valuable job skills. Proving sustainable impact that scales.

Incredibly, 11,000 people have joined us in giving. Today, community health workers are knocking on doors to check on new moms and their newborns. Farmers are sending their crops to the market, and their kids to school. Families can now fuel their dreams, thanks to their clean cookstoves. And women are walking to their nearby water kiosk, to collect clean water.

In a world filled with plenty, we see the potential for everyone.

Because outworking extreme poverty is possible.

I would love to invite you to join us.

Becky Straw
Co-Founder + CEO
The Adventure Project

What's with our name?
So glad you asked.

We picked our name to reflect our unique approach.

We invest in local African organizations that create jobs while solving social issues. We affectionately call them 'Adventures.'



An organization that combines social good with business acumen.

A mom gives her child a drink from their new water kiosk in Ghana.
Why Jobs?
What are the
"Core Four?"
The jobs we create reduce the four core issues affecting people in extreme poverty.  

By targeting these four issues, you'll save lives.

What does "results-focused" mean?
Our primary focus is on results.

For example, some might focus on reporting how many water wells they've drilled. We call this an "activity." We are focusing on ensuring people have clean water every day (the "result").

Drilling a well is easy. Ensuring that people are employed and trained to run it keeps water flowing every day. 


On average, every $2.40 you donate helps one person in need.

*Stats updated Summer 2024

Ready to join our journey?
Today, thousands of people, just like you, fuel The Adventure Project. When we work together to create jobs, we can outwork extreme poverty in our lifetime.

Learn more about our monthly giving community called, The Collective.

Adventure awaits