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Bolla Ewe

Local Partner:

Saha Global

About the Community:

Bolla is home to 484 people. The water source is a stream that does not dry up throughout the year. The community learned of Saha’s plan to open a water business, and no one could believe such exciting news! 127 families in Bolla now have clean water to drink.

Old Water Source:
A stream that flows year-round
Water Treatment Kiosk
Completion Date:
December 1, 2021

Entrepreneurs Hired:


Ntiche is married to Namorbe and together they have 7 children. She is 45 years old, and also works hard on the farm. She enjoys resting during her free time, and her favorite color is white.


Namodo is a 41 year old mother to 9 children, and lives with her family in Ballo. Her favorite food is rice and stew, and in her free time she enjoys resting and having quiet time.


Babach is the mother to 7 children, and lives with her family in Bolla. She is 42, and enjoys both cooking and resting when she has free time. Her favorite thing to cook and eat is rice and stew, and will always pick yellow as a favorite color.

Old Water Source:

New Water Source:

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